Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Vegetable Lasagna

This lasagna is so delicious you won't miss the meat!

Yields: 2 Pans

1 Recipe Creamy Tomato Pasta Sauce with a Kick!
2 Boxes Oven-Ready Lasagna Sheets

Desired Vegetables (I switch it up each time I make this based off of what's on sale, what sounds good, or what's blooming in the garden!)
This time I used:
1 Egg Plant
1 Zucchini
1 Yellow Squash
1 Bag Baby Spinach
2 Carrots (Shredded)
1 Bunch Asparagus
2 Red Peppers

1 tub (32 oz. size) Ricotta Cheese
2 eggs (beaten)
2 tsp. Italian Season Blend
1/4 tsp. Sea Salt
Cracked Black Pepper

1 Bag Italian Cheese Blend

Slice up your desired vegetables and spread them out on a sheet tray, coat them with olive oil, and then sprinkle with sea salt and fresh ground black pepper. Roast in the oven at 375 degrees until vegetables are tender. (I always line my tray with tin foil for an easy clean up! If you are using spinach or carrots I usually lightly sautee them in a pan on the stove rather than on a sheet tray)

While your vegetables are cooking mix together the ricotta cheese, eggs, italian seasoning blend, and sea salt, season lightly with a few cranks of fresh cracked pepper.

Now you are ready to build! (Makes 2-9x13 pans)

Layer 1-Start by adding a thin layer of sauce on the bottom of the pan
Layer 2-Next evenly spread out sheets of lasagna
Layer 3-Now spread an even layer of the ricotta cheese mixture
Layer 4-Evenly spread out a variety of vegetables
Layer 5-Top with sauce
Repeat layers 2-5 one more time
Top with lasagna sheets and then a mixture of sauce and ricotta cheese.
Sprinkle with italian cheese blend

Cover with foil and bake and 350 degrees for 35 minutes. Remove foil and bake at 375 for 15 minutes.

This is also a great meal prep item! Instead of making 2 pans I made 1 and then made 3 small disposible pans to freeze and will bake them off one night I don't have time to cook.

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