Thursday, January 22, 2015

Preparing for Baby #3 with 2 Months of Freezer Meals - Day 9 - Freezer Macaroni

 Freezer Macaroni - Makes 3-4 Meals

It's been 9 days since I started doing this and my freezer is already full! I'm having to use the freezer in the garage. There is something about a full freezer that just makes me feel comforted…lol. Today's meal was so yummy that my 2 year old had second helpings! 

What You'll Need:

  • 4 cups uncooked elbow macaroni 
  • 1 pound medium or sharp grated cheddar cheese. 
  • 2 cups milk
  • Salt to taste
What You'll Do:
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Grate the cheese and set it aside. 

Cook the macaroni in 4 quarts of salted water, following the package instructions for al dente. The noodles will continue to cook in the casserole and you don't want them to get overcooked. Drain. 
 Add 4 cups of the grated cheese.
 Add the milk and salt.
 Mix it all together.
 Spray your containers with Pam. I used smaller containers so that we don't have tons of leftovers and it made 5 meals. Label the lids with day of cooking instructions. Add the mac and cheese to the containers. 
 Sprinkle with the rest of the shredded cheese.
 Place in preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes or until hot and bubbly.
 To freeze: remove from oven and cool to room temperature. Place in freezer. 
Reheating instructions: Remove casserole from the freezer and place it in the oven (do not preheat). Then turn the oven to 350 degrees and heat for 45-60 minutes until hot and bubbly. Enjoy!

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