Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Preparing for Baby #3 with 2 months of Freezer Meals - Day 2

Preparing for Baby #3 with 2 months of Freezer Meals - Day 2
Chicken Enchiladas
Makes 4 Freezer Meals

I am making these for our Mom's Meal Swap this week. I made 3 9x11 pans of Chicken Enchiladas and 1 9x11 pan of Vegetarian Black Bean and Rice Enchiladas.

12 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded
3 onions, diced
9 cups shredded cheddar cheese
18 flour tortillas
3 large cans of enchilada sauce
3 cans black beans
2 cups cooked white rice (for vegetarian dish)

For chicken enchiladas, mix cheese, onion, chicken, 2 cans black beans and 1 1/2 cans red enchilada sauce in a bowl. (This made so much I had to split between 2 bowls to be able to stir it.)
 For vegetarian enchiladas, mix cheese, rice, onion, 1 can black beans and 1/2 can red enchilada sauce in a bowl. 
 With a large spoon, fill each tortilla with mixture. Roll it up and place it in 9x11 baking dish, seams down. Repeat until all mixture is used. 
Pour the rest of the enchilada sauce over the top of each. 
Sprinkle with cheese, cover with foil, and freeze. 
 Instructions for day of baking: Thaw, bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. 

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