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The 2 Creative Cousins

About Heather Moore:

The love of cooking was passed down to me by multiple generations. Both my father and grandmother had a huge love of cooking. My grandmother was a cook on a boat for a company contracted by the military, and cooked for the boat's crew as well as scientists working on the boat. That love for cooking was passed to my father, who shared that passion with me as he made southern specialities from his native state of Louisiana, and his famous salsa and pancakes.

Now I've made cooking a big part of my life.  I earned my certificate in baking and pastries at Schoolcraft College in 2005, and also am a Certified Executive Pastry Chef through the American Culinary Federation.  Since 2009 I have served as a baking and food chemistry instructor at Schoolcraft College. I now manage our student run cafe Main Street, so you will often see me referring to the cafe and stuff we do there.

As you can see, my life is very centered around cooking but I also have a huge passion for crafts and projects that let me be creative. I know that I certainly got that from my Dad!  I am constantly thinking of new recipes, crafts, projects, prizes, and ideas for my annual Recipe Party (which I'll share with you in future posts!). I also love throwing family get-togethers and parties.

When I am not cooking or have a project in the works I love spending time with my high school sweetheart now amazing husband Jason.  We love baseball, and spending time with our dog Molly and my Mom's dog Angel.  So you should see some pet driven crafts! :) 

About April Wagner:

In Summer of 2014 my husband and I were living in Naperville, IL both working full time with our two kids in full time daycare. We were run completely ragged and started thinking  that there must be a better way. We had always wanted to move to Michigan because we loved traveling there to see my family and started thinking about moving there. We checked out the area, put our house on the market and started working with a realtor in Mattawan, MI because of their great school system. It took every bit of energy and strength we had to get our entire family moved in by the time school started for my oldest in August but we did it! We miss our family back in IL but have family in MI and love the new little life we've created for ourselves. We bought a little piece of land with a few acres of forest and a 3 bedroom house with a barn. I am now able to stay home with the boys full time and love being able to volunteer at Blake's school once a week and spend more quality time with my youngest. Our 3rd little blessing is due in Feb. 2015 and we couldn't be more excited to have a little girl!

My love for cooking, crafting and all things creative started during my pregnancy with my first child, 'B' now 5 years old. I started an Etsy craft business selling recipe books, and dabbled in scrapbooking. I have since grown to love doing DIY projects around the house that my husband and I just bought in Michigan and doing crafts with my two boys. 

Now that I am a stay-at-home mom with my two boys and soon-to-be little girl, I have the time to focus on my true passions. I have a list a mile long of the DIY projects, crafts, meal plans, recipes and party ideas. I also have a passion for writing. I have kept journals, scrapbooks, and Shutterfly books for as long as I can remember so blogging is a natural next step for me. I am excited to have an online forum where I can keep all of Heather and my projects and ideas and share them with you!

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