Saturday, December 13, 2014

How to Make Your Own Turban Style Headband

I have really been into sewing lately and decided to attempt to make some turban style headbands.  It ended up being super easy, fast, and cheap to make!  Here's how:

Buy any kind of stretchy material at your local fabric store.  (I bought mine at JoAnne Fabrics)  I don't like the super thick looking turban headbands so I made mine thinner, but you can make yours whatever dimensions you like best.  Cut two strips of fabric (I cut mine 20" x 4")
Next fold each of the fabric strips in half with the "right pattern sides" (the side you want to see when you're done) together.  Pin them in place, and then sew leaving the width sides open. 
On one of sides that was left open turn the material right side out.
Now link the two strips together so that they look like a chain.

Bring all four ends together and pin and then stitch shut.

Cut off any excess material below the stitch and then flip so that the seam is on the inside of the headband.

& voila!  You have your own custom headband! 

These are great to give away as presents too! I think I will have to make some baby versions of these when April's daughter Hana arrives! (This Auntie might just need to make sure Hana has a headband for every outfit! ha ha)



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