Sunday, December 7, 2014

Homemade Hot Chocolate Mix

I LOVE hot chocolate during the long winters here in Michigan!  This is a super simple recipe that is delicious and always a hit when I give it out as a gift.  You can play around with the recipe to make your own unique flavors as well. 
This year I made little individual tubes as "single serving" stocking stuffers and also made "hot cocoa kits."  The kits included: classic dark cocoa mix, orange white chocolate mix, hazelnut cocoa mix, homemade classic & peppermint marshmallows (recipe coming your way soon!), and chocolate dipped spoons.  Depending on how much you want to spend and how elaborate you want to get, some other ideas of things you can include are: sprinkles, crushed candy canes, flavored syrups & liquors (Baileys is awesome!), chocolate truffles, cookies, etc.
So without further ado, here is the recipe! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

4 1/2 cups Grated Chocolate
1 1/2 cups Whole Dry Milk

Simple right!?  So all I do is use a box grater (cheese grater) or a microplane to grate my chocolate on.  If you are doing a lot and have a cheese grater attachment for your food processor that works too. (I do this at work!)  Although it can become quite messy so beware.  I usually will put my chocolate in the freezer for at least 1 hour before I grate it in the food processor to help it from melting with the friction heat. 

To customize your own hot chocolate blend get creative and have fun!  Let us know what unique blends you come up with!  Use various types of chocolate, add things like cinnamon, and orange zest.  I recommend if you are giving this away as a gift to check out the Avery labels section at your local store.  I buy all shapes and sizes of their labels and customize them on their site  Their site is super user friendly and makes anything you make look really professional.  Although I do use a lot of their labels, sometimes I will just use their site to design "tags" to print onto card stock as well. 

Make sure to attach a tag to your hot cocoa mix that says:

*Mix 1/2 cup mix with 1 cup of warm milk

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