Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Indoor Snow Play

I knew it! We had a snow day today for Mattawan Schools and boy, am I glad I didn't have to go anywhere in this snow. We have almost a foot and it just keeps coming! So instead of going out in the zero degree temperatures, I decided to bring the snow indoors. My husband calls me his indoor cat. :)

 This was so much fun. The boys played for hours with the snow this morning. I just put a blanket down, brought in the sand and snow toys, filled a couple bins with snow and they went crazy! When they got bored with that, we even did a science experiment.

Indoor Snow Volcano Experiment

We started by placing a plastic cup in the middle of the snow and building the base of the volcano around it. 
 Then we added food coloring.
Then we added the baking soda...
 And lastly, the vinegar!
'B' added his action figures in the snow so that they could get buried by the lava and they did the experiment 3 more times with variations. We did find it works best to put the baking soda in first, then the food coloring, then the vinegar so that the color shows more in the eruption.

Then they enjoyed playing with the colorful snow.
All that fun and I didn't even have to struggle with their snow pants and boots. I'll leave that for when daddy gets home. ; )  Happy snow day!

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